Coffee Origin
Coffee Farm in Kona, Hawai‘i
Your coffee selection will include three of the following organic single-estate coffees. Each comes from a small family farm in Kona, Hawai‘i, and is certified organic by ICS.
“This coffee’s flavor is full of chocolate with tones of sweet red berries and apricots. It’s full bodied, well balanced, with an aroma and fragrance of chocolate and berries and a lingering butter finish. Smooth, without being tarnished by acidic or bitter notes.”
“This intense coffee’s flavor is full of sweet dark chocolate ,with tones of honey and cinnamon. It’s a classic full-bodied Kona organic with a mild cinnamon and delicate nutmeg-spiced finish. The bitterness is absent from most Medium and Pele roasts with a lingering taste of sweet dark chocolate.”strong>
“Spiciness, dark chocolate, and creaminess might be found in this coffee, which features a smooth bouquet of flavors. It jumps with flavor, leaving an inquiring caramel aftertaste with full bodied hints of fruit.”
“Delicate, gentle, and balanced, this silky-sweet Kona coffee features aromas of toasted macadamia and honeysuckle.”
“This is a purist’s cup: big, authoritative, powerfully but sweetly acidy, complete. The [Pele] roast rounds the dry fruit tones toward chocolate but leaves the robustly rich acidity intact.”
“This estate’s coffee is delicate but intense. Roundly and sweetly pungent in aroma and cup: dark chocolate, hazelnut, fresh-cut fir, apricot-like fruit. Gentle but lyrically lively acidity; smooth mouthfeel. Flavor consolidates in a lightly drying finish. Seductive, silky softness of the best Konas.”